“Our users want the world to be as simple, clean, and accessible as the Google home page itself,” said Google CEO Eric Schmidt at a press conference held in their corporate offices. “Soon, it will be.”</p>
As a part of Purge’s first phase, executives will destroy all copyrighted materials that cannot be searched by Google. […]<br/>As a part of Phase One operations, Google executives will permanently erase the hard drive of any computer that is not already indexed by the Google Desktop Search. <br/>“We believe that Google Desktop Search is the best way to unlock the information hidden on your hard drive,” Schmidt said. “If you haven’t given it a try, now’s the time. In one week, the deleting begins.”</p>
Until yesterday’s news conference, the company’s unofficial slogan had been “Don’t be evil.” The slogan has now been expanded to “Don’t be evil, unless it’s necessary for the greater good.”</p>
このように、”Dont’ be evil”というスローガンを基にこれまでGoogleは頑張ってきたのだけれど、もしこのようなことを行ってしまったら独占禁止法違反をしてでもWindowsの売り上げを守ろうとしていたマイクロソフトとどこが異なるのだろうか、というのが正直な感想。実現したら、全く別の世界になるだろうけれど、抵抗にあって現実のものにはならないような気がする。