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2019-03-31 11:00:21 +00:00
title: The Zahirを読んで気になった部分
author: kazu634
date: 2005-11-12
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 <i>The Zahir</i>を読んで気になった部分をメモしています。
While I was<br /> fighting, I heard other people speaking in the name of freedom, and the<br /> more they defend this unique right, the more enslaved they seemed to be<br /> to their parents&#8217; wishes, to a marriage in which they had promised to<br /> stay with the other person &#8216;for the rest of their lives&#8217;, to the<br /> bathroom scales, to their diet, to half-finished projects, to lovers to<br /> whom they were incapable of saying &#8216;No&#8217; or &#8216;It&#8217;s over&#8217;, to weekends<br /> when they were oblliged to have lunch with people they didn&#8217;t even<br /> like. Slaves to luxury, to the appearance of luxury, to the appearance<br /> of appearance of luxury. Slaves to a life they had not chosen, but<br /> which they had decided to live because someone had managed to convince<br /> them that it was all for the best. And so their identical days and<br /> nights passed, days and nights in which adventure was just a word in a<br /> book or an image on the television that was always on, and whenever a<br /> door opened, they would say:
&#8216;I&#8217;m not intersted. I&#8217;m not in the mood.&#8217;
How<br /> could they possibly know if they were in the mood or not if they had<br /> never tried? But there was no point in asking; the truth was they were<br /> afraid of any change that would upset the world they had grown used<br /> to.(p 10)
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