Windowsのサービス一覧を覗くと、「svchost.exe」というのが並んでいる。こいつは何なのかいつも疑問であった。この疑問がついに解けた。<ahref=""onclick="__gaTracker('send', 'event', 'outbound-article', '', 'What is svchost.exe And Why Is It Running? :: the How-To Geek');"target="_blank">What is svchost.exe And Why Is It Running? :: the How-To Geek</a>のおかげだ。
<blockquotetitle="What is svchost.exe And Why Is It Running? "cite="">
Some time ago, Microsoft started moving all of the functionality from internal Windows services into .dll files instead of .exe files. From a programming perspective this makes more sense for reusability… but the problem is that you can’t launch a .dll file directly from Windows, it has to be loaded up from a running executable (.exe). Thus the svchost.exe process was born.
<cite><ahref=""onclick="__gaTracker('send', 'event', 'outbound-article', '', 'What is svchost.exe And Why Is It Running? :: the How-To Geek');"target="_blank">What is svchost.exe And Why Is It Running? :: the How-To Geek</a></cite>
<blockquotetitle="What is svchost.exe And Why Is It Running? "cite="">
If you’ve ever taken a look at the Services section in control panel you might notice that there are a Lot of services required by Windows. If every single service ran under a single svchost.exe instance, a failure in one might bring down all of Windows… so they are separated out.
<cite><ahref=""onclick="__gaTracker('send', 'event', 'outbound-article', '', 'What is svchost.exe And Why Is It Running? :: the How-To Geek');"target="_blank">What is svchost.exe And Why Is It Running? :: the How-To Geek</a></cite>