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2019-03-31 11:00:21 +00:00
title: ”Ideas for Startups”を読んで気になった部分 — 04
author: kazu634
date: 2005-11-09
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Paul Grahm: <a href="" onclick="__gaTracker('send', 'event', 'outbound-article', '', '&#8220;The Ideas for Startups&#8221;');" target="blank">&#8220;The Ideas for Startups&#8221;</a>を読んで気になった部分にコメントしようと思いましたが、眠いので今日は原文だけを紹介しておきます。
If new ideas arise like doodles, this would explain why you have to work at something for a while before you have any. It&#8217;s not just that you can&#8217;t judge ideas till you&#8217;re an expert in a field. You won&#8217;t even generate ideas, because you won&#8217;t have any habits of mind to invoke.
Of course the habits of mind you invoke on some field don&#8217;t have to be derived from working in that field. In fact, it&#8217;s often better if they&#8217;re not. You&#8217;re not just looking for good ideas, but for good new ideas, and you have a better chance of generating those if you combine stuff from distant fields.