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@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
title: Labs Page
date: 2019-04-08T15:04:05Z
publishdate: 2019-04-08T15:04:05Z
@ -1,399 +0,0 @@
title: Ubuntu インストールの自動化
author: kazu634
date: 2011-01-02T15:04:05Z
- kazu634
- Labs
- Linux
- ubuntu
- preseed
<div class="section">
<a href="" onclick="__gaTracker('send', 'event', 'outbound-article', '', 'Software Design');">Software Design</a> で紹介されていたOS構築自動化を試してみました。なお、 <a href="" onclick="__gaTracker('send', 'event', 'outbound-article', '', 'Software Design');">Software Design</a> では、 Red Hat Linux の Kickstart の紹介がメインでしたが、ここでは Ubuntu (というかDebian 系)の Preseed の使い方を眺めてみます。ちなみに対象は Ubuntu Server 10.04 です。
OS 構築の自動化
Ubuntu をインストールする際は、言語・キーボードの設定、ネットワークの設定、パーティーションの設定、インストールするパッケージの設定などを行います。
<a href="" onclick="__gaTracker('send', 'event', 'outbound-article', '', '');" class="hatena-fotolife" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="f:id:sirocco634:20110102195155p:image" title="f:id:sirocco634:20110102195155p:image" class="hatena-fotolife" /></a>
それに対して Preseed を用いた場合、各種設定ファイルを事前に準備することで、対話的な応答を自動応答で済ませることができます。
<a href="" onclick="__gaTracker('send', 'event', 'outbound-article', '', '');" class="hatena-fotolife" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="f:id:sirocco634:20110102195156p:image" title="f:id:sirocco634:20110102195156p:image" class="hatena-fotolife" /></a>
NTP の設定を行う
パーティションは「LVM」で、ガイドに任せて出来る限り LVM として使用する
Git, SQLite3 を導入する
<pre class="syntax-highlight">
<span class="synComment">#### Contents of the preconfiguration file (for )</span>
<span class="synComment">### Mirror settings</span>
<span class="synComment"># If you select ftp, the mirror/country string does not need to be set.</span>
<span class="synComment">#d-i mirror/protocol string ftp</span>
d-i mirror/country string manual
d-i mirror/http/hostname string
d-i mirror/http/directory string /ubuntu/
d-i mirror/http/proxy string
<span class="synComment"># Alternatively: by default, the installer uses where</span>
<span class="synComment"># CC is the ISO-3166-2 code for the selected country. You can preseed this</span>
<span class="synComment"># so that it does so without asking.</span>
<span class="synComment">#d-i mirror/http/mirror select</span>
<span class="synComment"># Suite to install.</span>
<span class="synComment">#d-i mirror/suite string </span>
<span class="synComment"># Suite to use for loading installer components (optional).</span>
<span class="synComment">#d-i mirror/udeb/suite string </span>
<span class="synComment"># Components to use for loading installer components (optional).</span>
<span class="synComment">#d-i mirror/udeb/components multiselect main, restricted</span>
<span class="synComment">### Clock and time zone setup</span>
<span class="synComment"># Controls whether or not the hardware clock is set to UTC.</span>
d-i clock-setup/utc boolean true
<span class="synComment"># You may set this to any valid setting for $TZ; see the contents of</span>
<span class="synComment"># /usr/share/zoneinfo/ for valid values.</span>
d-i time/zone string Asia/Tokyo
<span class="synComment"># Controls whether to use NTP to set the clock during the install</span>
d-i clock-setup/ntp boolean true
<span class="synComment"># NTP server to use. The default is almost always fine here.</span>
d-i clock-setup/ntp-server string
<span class="synComment">### Partitioning</span>
<span class="synComment"># If the system has free space you can choose to only partition that space.</span>
<span class="synComment"># Alternatives: custom, some_device, some_device_crypto, some_device_lvm.</span>
<span class="synComment">#d-i partman-auto/init_automatically_partition select biggest_free</span>
<span class="synComment"># Alternatively, you can specify a disk to partition. The device name must</span>
<span class="synComment"># be given in traditional non-devfs format.</span>
<span class="synComment"># Note: A disk must be specified, unless the system has only one disk.</span>
<span class="synComment"># For example, to use the first SCSI/SATA hard disk:</span>
d-i partman-auto/disk string /dev/sda
<span class="synComment"># In addition, you'll need to specify the method to use.</span>
<span class="synComment"># The presently available methods are: "regular", "lvm" and "crypto"</span>
d-i partman-auto/method string lvm
<span class="synComment"># If one of the disks that are going to be automatically partitioned</span>
<span class="synComment"># contains an old LVM configuration, the user will normally receive a</span>
<span class="synComment"># warning. This can be preseeded away...</span>
d-i partman-lvm/device_remove_lvm boolean true
<span class="synComment"># The same applies to pre-existing software RAID array:</span>
d-i partman-md/device_remove_md boolean true
<span class="synComment"># And the same goes for the confirmation to write the lvm partitions.</span>
d-i partman-lvm/confirm boolean true
<span class="synComment"># For LVM partitioning, you can select how much of the volume group to use</span>
<span class="synComment"># for logical volumes.</span>
d-i partman-auto-lvm/guided_size string max
<span class="synComment">#d-i partman-auto-lvm/guided_size string 10GB</span>
<span class="synComment">#d-i partman-auto-lvm/guided_size string 50%</span>
<span class="synComment"># You can choose one of the three predefined partitioning recipes:</span>
<span class="synComment"># - atomic: all files in one partition</span>
<span class="synComment"># - home: separate /home partition</span>
<span class="synComment"># - multi: separate /home, /usr, /var, and /tmp partitions</span>
d-i partman-auto/choose_recipe select atomic
<span class="synComment"># Or provide a recipe of your own...</span>
<span class="synComment"># The recipe format is documented in the file devel/partman-auto-recipe.txt.</span>
<span class="synComment"># If you have a way to get a recipe file into the d-i environment, you can</span>
<span class="synComment"># just point at it.</span>
<span class="synComment">#d-i partman-auto/expert_recipe_file string /hd-media/recipe</span>
<span class="synComment"># If not, you can put an entire recipe into the preconfiguration file in one</span>
<span class="synComment"># (logical) line. This example creates a small /boot partition, suitable</span>
<span class="synComment"># swap, and uses the rest of the space for the root partition:</span>
<span class="synComment">#d-i partman-auto/expert_recipe string \</span>
<span class="synComment"># boot-root :: \</span>
<span class="synComment"># 40 50 100 ext3 \</span>
<span class="synComment"># $primary{ } $bootable{ } \</span>
<span class="synComment"># method{ format } format{ } \</span>
<span class="synComment"># use_filesystem{ } filesystem{ ext3 } \</span>
<span class="synComment"># mountpoint{ /boot } \</span>
<span class="synComment"># . \</span>
<span class="synComment"># 500 10000 1000000000 ext3 \</span>
<span class="synComment"># method{ format } format{ } \</span>
<span class="synComment"># use_filesystem{ } filesystem{ ext3 } \</span>
<span class="synComment"># mountpoint{ / } \</span>
<span class="synComment"># . \</span>
<span class="synComment"># 64 512 300% linux-swap \</span>
<span class="synComment"># method{ swap } format{ } \</span>
<span class="synComment"># .</span>
<span class="synComment"># If you just want to change the default filesystem from ext3 to something</span>
<span class="synComment"># else, you can do that without providing a full recipe.</span>
<span class="synComment">#d-i partman/default_filesystem string ext4</span>
<span class="synComment"># This makes partman automatically partition without confirmation, provided</span>
<span class="synComment"># that you told it what to do using one of the methods above.</span>
d-i partman/confirm_write_new_label boolean true
d-i partman/choose_partition select finish
d-i partman/confirm boolean true
d-i partman/confirm_nooverwrite boolean true
<span class="synComment">### Controlling how partitions are mounted</span>
<span class="synComment"># The default is to mount by UUID, but you can also choose "traditional" to</span>
<span class="synComment"># use traditional device names, or "label" to try filesystem labels before</span>
<span class="synComment"># falling back to UUIDs.</span>
<span class="synComment">#d-i partman/mount_style select uuid</span>
<span class="synComment">### Base system installation</span>
<span class="synComment"># The kernel image (meta) package to be installed; "none" can be used if no</span>
<span class="synComment"># kernel is to be installed.</span>
d-i base-installer/kernel/image string linux-server
<span class="synComment">### Account setup</span>
<span class="synComment"># Skip creation of a root account (normal user account will be able to</span>
<span class="synComment"># use sudo). The default is false; preseed this to true if you want to set</span>
<span class="synComment"># a root password.</span>
<span class="synComment">#d-i passwd/root-login boolean false</span>
<span class="synComment"># Alternatively, to skip creation of a normal user account.</span>
<span class="synComment">#d-i passwd/make-user boolean false</span>
<span class="synComment"># Root password, either in clear text</span>
<span class="synComment">#d-i passwd/root-password password r00tme</span>
<span class="synComment">#d-i passwd/root-password-again password r00tme</span>
<span class="synComment"># or encrypted using an MD5 hash.</span>
<span class="synComment">#d-i passwd/root-password-crypted password [MD5 hash]</span>
<span class="synComment"># To create a normal user account.</span>
d-i passwd/user-fullname string Kazuhiro MUSASHI
d-i passwd/username string kazu634
<span class="synComment"># Normal user's password, either in clear text</span>
d-i passwd/user-password password simoom634
d-i passwd/user-password-again password simoom634
<span class="synComment"># or encrypted using an MD5 hash.</span>
<span class="synComment">#d-i passwd/user-password-crypted password [MD5 hash]</span>
<span class="synComment"># Create the first user with the specified UID instead of the default.</span>
<span class="synComment">#d-i passwd/user-uid string 1010</span>
<span class="synComment"># The installer will warn about weak passwords. If you are sure you know</span>
<span class="synComment"># what you're doing and want to override it, uncomment this.</span>
d-i user-setup/allow-password-weak boolean true
<span class="synComment"># The user account will be added to some standard initial groups. To</span>
<span class="synComment"># override that, use this.</span>
<span class="synComment">#d-i passwd/user-default-groups string audio cdrom video</span>
<span class="synComment"># Set to true if you want to encrypt the first user's home directory.</span>
d-i user-setup/encrypt-home boolean false
<span class="synComment">### Apt setup</span>
<span class="synComment"># You can choose to install restricted and universe software, or to install</span>
<span class="synComment"># software from the backports repository.</span>
<span class="synComment">#d-i apt-setup/restricted boolean true</span>
<span class="synComment">#d-i apt-setup/universe boolean true</span>
<span class="synComment">#d-i apt-setup/backports boolean true</span>
<span class="synComment"># Uncomment this if you don't want to use a network mirror.</span>
<span class="synComment">#d-i apt-setup/use_mirror boolean false</span>
<span class="synComment"># Select which update services to use; define the mirrors to be used.</span>
<span class="synComment"># Values shown below are the normal defaults.</span>
<span class="synComment">#d-i apt-setup/services-select multiselect security</span>
<span class="synComment">#d-i apt-setup/security_host string</span>
<span class="synComment">#d-i apt-setup/security_path string /ubuntu</span>
<span class="synComment"># Additional repositories, local[0-9] available</span>
<span class="synComment">#d-i apt-setup/local0/repository string \</span>
<span class="synComment"># http://local.server/ubuntu main</span>
<span class="synComment">#d-i apt-setup/local0/comment string local server</span>
<span class="synComment"># Enable deb-src lines</span>
<span class="synComment">#d-i apt-setup/local0/source boolean true</span>
<span class="synComment"># URL to the public key of the local repository; you must provide a key or</span>
<span class="synComment"># apt will complain about the unauthenticated repository and so the</span>
<span class="synComment"># sources.list line will be left commented out</span>
<span class="synComment">#d-i apt-setup/local0/key string http://local.server/key</span>
<span class="synComment"># By default the installer requires that repositories be authenticated</span>
<span class="synComment"># using a known gpg key. This setting can be used to disable that</span>
<span class="synComment"># authentication. Warning: Insecure, not recommended.</span>
<span class="synComment">#d-i debian-installer/allow_unauthenticated string true</span>
<span class="synComment">### Package selection</span>
tasksel tasksel/first multiselect standard, OpenSSH server
<span class="synComment">#tasksel tasksel/first multiselect lamp-server, print-server</span>
<span class="synComment">#tasksel tasksel/first multiselect kubuntu-desktop</span>
<span class="synComment"># Individual additional packages to install</span>
d-i pkgsel/include string build-essential, git-core, unzip, pkg-config, sqlite3, libsqlite3-dev
<span class="synComment"># Whether to upgrade packages after debootstrap.</span>
<span class="synComment"># Allowed values: none, safe-upgrade, full-upgrade</span>
d-i pkgsel/upgrade select safe-upgrade
<span class="synComment"># Language pack selection</span>
d-i pkgsel/language-packs multiselect
<span class="synComment"># Policy for applying updates. May be "none" (no automatic updates),</span>
<span class="synComment"># "unattended-upgrades" (install security updates automatically), or</span>
<span class="synComment"># "landscape" (manage system with Landscape).</span>
d-i pkgsel/update-policy select none
<span class="synComment"># Some versions of the installer can report back on what software you have</span>
<span class="synComment"># installed, and what software you use. The default is not to report back,</span>
<span class="synComment"># but sending reports helps the project determine what software is most</span>
<span class="synComment"># popular and include it on CDs.</span>
<span class="synComment">#popularity-contest popularity-contest/participate boolean false</span>
<span class="synComment"># By default, the system's locate database will be updated after the</span>
<span class="synComment"># installer has finished installing most packages. This may take a while, so</span>
<span class="synComment"># if you don't want it, you can set this to "false" to turn it off.</span>
d-i pkgsel/updatedb boolean false
<span class="synComment">### Boot loader installation</span>
<span class="synComment"># Grub is the default boot loader (for x86). If you want lilo installed</span>
<span class="synComment"># instead, uncomment this:</span>
<span class="synComment">#d-i grub-installer/skip boolean true</span>
<span class="synComment"># To also skip installing lilo, and install no bootloader, uncomment this</span>
<span class="synComment"># too:</span>
<span class="synComment">#d-i lilo-installer/skip boolean true</span>
<span class="synComment"># This is fairly safe to set, it makes grub install automatically to the MBR</span>
<span class="synComment"># if no other operating system is detected on the machine.</span>
d-i grub-installer/only_debian boolean true
<span class="synComment"># This one makes grub-installer install to the MBR if it also finds some other</span>
<span class="synComment"># OS, which is less safe as it might not be able to boot that other OS.</span>
d-i grub-installer/with_other_os boolean true
<span class="synComment"># Alternatively, if you want to install to a location other than the mbr,</span>
<span class="synComment"># uncomment and edit these lines:</span>
<span class="synComment">#d-i grub-installer/only_debian boolean false</span>
<span class="synComment">#d-i grub-installer/with_other_os boolean false</span>
<span class="synComment">#d-i grub-installer/bootdev string (hd0,0)</span>
<span class="synComment"># To install grub to multiple disks:</span>
<span class="synComment">#d-i grub-installer/bootdev string (hd0,0) (hd1,0) (hd2,0)</span>
<span class="synComment"># Optional password for grub, either in clear text</span>
<span class="synComment">#d-i grub-installer/password password r00tme</span>
<span class="synComment">#d-i grub-installer/password-again password r00tme</span>
<span class="synComment"># or encrypted using an MD5 hash, see grub-md5-crypt(8).</span>
<span class="synComment">#d-i grub-installer/password-crypted password [MD5 hash]</span>
<span class="synComment">### Finishing up the installation</span>
<span class="synComment"># During installations from serial console, the regular virtual consoles</span>
<span class="synComment"># (VT1-VT6) are normally disabled in /etc/inittab. Uncomment the next</span>
<span class="synComment"># line to prevent this.</span>
<span class="synComment">#d-i finish-install/keep-consoles boolean true</span>
<span class="synComment"># Avoid that last message about the install being complete.</span>
d-i finish-install/reboot_in_progress note
<span class="synComment"># This will prevent the installer from ejecting the CD during the reboot,</span>
<span class="synComment"># which is useful in some situations.</span>
<span class="synComment">#d-i cdrom-detect/eject boolean false</span>
<span class="synComment"># This is how to make the installer shutdown when finished, but not</span>
<span class="synComment"># reboot into the installed system.</span>
<span class="synComment">#d-i debian-installer/exit/halt boolean true</span>
<span class="synComment"># This will power off the machine instead of just halting it.</span>
<span class="synComment">#d-i debian-installer/exit/poweroff boolean true</span>
<span class="synComment">### X configuration</span>
<span class="synComment"># X can detect the right driver for some cards, but if you're preseeding,</span>
<span class="synComment"># you override whatever it chooses. Still, vesa will work most places.</span>
<span class="synComment">#xserver-xorg xserver-xorg/config/device/driver select vesa</span>
<span class="synComment"># A caveat with mouse autodetection is that if it fails, X will retry it</span>
<span class="synComment"># over and over. So if it's preseeded to be done, there is a possibility of</span>
<span class="synComment"># an infinite loop if the mouse is not autodetected.</span>
<span class="synComment">#xserver-xorg xserver-xorg/autodetect_mouse boolean true</span>
<span class="synComment"># Monitor autodetection is recommended.</span>
<span class="synComment"># xserver-xorg xserver-xorg/autodetect_monitor boolean true</span>
<span class="synComment"># Uncomment if you have an LCD display.</span>
<span class="synComment">#xserver-xorg xserver-xorg/config/monitor/lcd boolean true</span>
<span class="synComment"># X has three configuration paths for the monitor. Here's how to preseed</span>
<span class="synComment"># the "medium" path, which is always available. The "simple" path may not</span>
<span class="synComment"># be available, and the "advanced" path asks too many questions.</span>
<span class="synComment"># xserver-xorg xserver-xorg/config/monitor/selection-method \</span>
<span class="synComment"># select medium</span>
<span class="synComment"># xserver-xorg xserver-xorg/config/monitor/mode-list \</span>
<span class="synComment"># select 1024x768 @ 60 Hz</span>
<span class="synComment">### Preseeding other packages</span>
<span class="synComment"># Depending on what software you choose to install, or if things go wrong</span>
<span class="synComment"># during the installation process, it's possible that other questions may</span>
<span class="synComment"># be asked. You can preseed those too, of course. To get a list of every</span>
<span class="synComment"># possible question that could be asked during an install, do an</span>
<span class="synComment"># installation, and then run these commands:</span>
<span class="synComment"># debconf-get-selections --installer > file</span>
<span class="synComment"># debconf-get-selections >> file</span>
<span class="synComment">#### Advanced options</span>
<span class="synComment">### Running custom commands during the installation</span>
<span class="synComment"># d-i preseeding is inherently not secure. Nothing in the installer checks</span>
<span class="synComment"># for attempts at buffer overflows or other exploits of the values of a</span>
<span class="synComment"># preconfiguration file like this one. Only use preconfiguration files from</span>
<span class="synComment"># trusted locations! To drive that home, and because it's generally useful,</span>
<span class="synComment"># here's a way to run any shell command you'd like inside the installer,</span>
<span class="synComment"># automatically.</span>
<span class="synComment"># This first command is run as early as possible, just after</span>
<span class="synComment"># preseeding is read.</span>
<span class="synComment">#d-i preseed/early_command string anna-install some-udeb</span>
<span class="synComment"># This command is run immediately before the partitioner starts. It may be</span>
<span class="synComment"># useful to apply dynamic partitioner preseeding that depends on the state</span>
<span class="synComment"># of the disks (which may not be visible when preseed/early_command runs).</span>
<span class="synComment">#d-i partman/early_command string debconf-set partman-auto/disk "$(list-devices disk | head -n1)"</span>
<span class="synComment"># This command is run just before the install finishes, but when there is</span>
<span class="synComment"># still a usable /target directory. You can chroot to /target and use it</span>
<span class="synComment"># directly, or use the apt-install and in-target commands to easily install</span>
<span class="synComment"># packages and run commands in the target system.</span>
d-i preseed/late_command string wget -O /target/tmp/; in-target chmod +x /tmp/; in-target /tmp/
下の画面で F6 キーを押して、
<a href="" onclick="__gaTracker('send', 'event', 'outbound-article', '', '');" class="hatena-fotolife" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="f:id:sirocco634:20110102175435j:image" title="f:id:sirocco634:20110102175435j:image" class="hatena-fotolife" /></a>
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@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
title: 『容疑者 室井慎次』
author: kazu634
date: 2005-09-22T15:04:05Z
- kazu634
- Misc
- movie
<div class="section">
読んでいる人の価値観を相対化するのが小説の条件と保坂和志は考えている、と下のエントリーで書いた。そのように書いているうちに、最近観た<a href="" onclick="__gaTracker('send', 'event', 'outbound-article', '', '『容疑者 室井慎次』');" target="_blank">『容疑者 室井慎次』</a>でも見ている人の価値観を相対化するような描写が行われていたことに気づいた。
『踊る~』シリーズでは、わくさんと青島刑事といった世代間の交流や、男性と女性といった異なる立場にある人々がどのように感じているのかということを扱った作品であるとも捉えることができる。今回の『室井慎次』でも、田中麗奈演じる新米弁護士と室井さんという世代も性別も異なる二人の価値観というものが同時に提示されていた。<a href="" onclick="__gaTracker('send', 'event', 'outbound-article', '', '「室井さんの過去」');" target="_blank">「室井さんの過去」</a>(注意:まだ映画を観ていない人は見ない方がいいです!)の捉え方も、二人の間では異なっていた。同じ事態を目の前にしていても捉え方は異なる、という当たり前のことが当たり前のように提示されているというのは注目すべきことなのではないだろうか。エンターテイメント作品だ何だと言われているけれど、「様々な価値観がこの世の中にはあり、世界は複雑なのだ」ということを多くの人に提示しているということだけを見ても、『踊る~』シリーズはもっと評価されてしかるべきではないだろうか。
@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
title: 単騎、千里を走る
author: kazu634
date: 2006-02-07T15:04:05Z
- kazu634
- Misc
- movie
<div class="section">
<a href="" onclick="__gaTracker('send', 'event', 'outbound-article', '', '');" target="_blank"><img class="pict" src="" alt="tanki_senri" width="160" height="177" align="left" border="0" /></a>
もう二日ぐらい前になりますが、<a href="" onclick="__gaTracker('send', 'event', 'outbound-article', '', '『単騎、千里を走る。』');" target="blank">『単騎、千里を走る。』</a>を観てきました。高倉健主演・<a href="" onclick="__gaTracker('send', 'event', 'outbound-article', '', 'チャン・イーモウ');" target="blank">チャン・イーモウ</a>監督作品です。いや、とてもよかったです。
この映画を観て強く興味を引きつけられたのは、<a href="" onclick="__gaTracker('send', 'event', 'outbound-article', '', 'チャン・イーモウ');" target="blank">チャン・イーモウ</a>監督の映画の作り方でした。自分が専門とする<a href="" onclick="__gaTracker('send', 'event', 'outbound-article', '', 'コンラッド');" target="blank">コンラッド</a>との類似した点がとてもあるように感じました。例えば、
コンラッドの有名作である『闇の奥』・『ロード・ジム』は枠物語<sup>【注1】</sup>である。<a href="" onclick="__gaTracker('send', 'event', 'outbound-article', '', 'チャン・イーモウ');" target="blank">チャン・イーモウ</a>も<a href="" onclick="__gaTracker('send', 'event', 'outbound-article', '', '『HERO』');" target="blank">『HERO』</a>で枠物語を映画に移植していると捉えることができる。
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<a href="" onclick="__gaTracker('send', 'event', 'outbound-article', '', '');" target="_blank" name="amazletlink"><img style="border: none;" src="" alt="単騎、千里を走る。 [DVD]" /></a>
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<a href="" onclick="__gaTracker('send', 'event', 'outbound-article', '', '単騎、千里を走る。 [DVD]');" target="_blank" name="amazletlink">単騎、千里を走る。 [DVD]</a>
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posted with <a href="" onclick="__gaTracker('send', 'event', 'outbound-article', '', 'amazlet');" title="amazlet" target="_blank">amazlet</a> at 14.11.23
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東宝 (2006-09-22)<br /> 売り上げランキング: 1,197
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注1 – 一つの物語の中に複数の物語を含む小説形式。複数の話者が次々と語る短編の集成として全編が構成されるものをさすが,話者が交替しない《千夜一夜物語》なども枠物語と呼ばれる。西洋では,この形式はルネサンス期の文学に多くみられ,口承文芸から文字文芸への移行や,俗語の散文による小説の成立を示唆するものとして文学史上注目される。その典型的なものはボッカッチョの《デカメロン》で,ペストを避けて郊外の別荘に落ちあった10人の男女が交替で司会役をつとめ,残りの9人が順次物語るという形式のもとに,教訓譚,ロマンス,滑稽譚,艶笑譚等々,多様な短編が集められている。チョーサーの《カンタベリー物語》,マルグリット・ド・ナバールの《エプタメロン》もその好例である。また,ストラパローラの《愛しき夜毎》やバジーレの《お話のお話》はこの形式によって,後世に貴重な民話の集大成をもたらした。近代にもゲーテをはじめ,ケラー,ホフマン,スティーブンソンらの作品に,この形式をとったものがあるが,代表作《カルメン》がそうであるように,とくにメリメはこれを得意とした。枠物語の形式は西欧文学にのみみられるものではなく,物語文学を持つ諸民族の文学に共通に存在するといえよう。日本でも中世の説話や御伽草子などにこの形式がみられるが,たとえば室町期の小説《三人法師》は3人の高野聖のそれぞれの発心譚によって全体が構成される,枠物語のすぐれた小品である。
@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
title: Gaucheで外部コマンドを実行する
date: 2011-09-19T15:04:05Z
- kazu634
- Labs
- Program
- gauche
- lisp
<div class="section">
Gaucheで外部コマンドを実行する場合は、どうやら run-process というものがあるらしいので、このコマンドを使えばよさそう
<pre class="syntax-highlight">
% virt-<span class="synStatement">install</span> <span class="synSpecial">--name</span> dev1 <span class="synSpecial">--ram</span> <span class="synConstant">512</span> <span class="synSpecial">--disk</span> <span class="synIdentifier">path</span>=<span class="synIdentifier">dev1.img,size</span>=<span class="synConstant">10</span> <span class="synSpecial">--vcpus</span> <span class="synConstant">1</span> <span class="synSpecial">--network</span> <span class="synIdentifier">bridge</span>=<span class="synIdentifier">br0,model</span>=virtio <span class="synSpecial">--graphic</span> <span class="synIdentifier">vnc,listen</span>=<span class="synConstant"></span>.<span class="synConstant"></span>.<span class="synConstant"></span>.<span class="synConstant"></span> <span class="synSpecial">--pxe</span>
とりあえず REPL から実行してみます:
<pre class="syntax-highlight">
gosh<span class="synStatement">></span> <span class="synStatement">(</span>use gauche.process<span class="synStatement">)</span>
<span class="synComment">#<undef></span>
gosh<span class="synStatement">></span> <span class="synStatement">(</span>run-process <span class="synStatement">'</span><span class="synConstant">(virt-install --name dev1 --ram 512 --disk path=dev1.img,size=10 --vcpus 1 --network bridge=br0,model=virtio --graphic vnc,listen= --pxe))</span>
<span class="synConstant">#<process 1148 "virt-install" active></span>
<span class="synConstant">gosh> ERROR Unknown argument </span><span class="synStatement">'</span>,<span class="synIdentifier">size</span>=<span class="synConstant">10</span><span class="synStatement">'</span>
<blockquote title="404 Not Found" cite="">
<cite><a href="" onclick="__gaTracker('send', 'event', 'outbound-article', '', 'Gauche ユーザリファレンス: 9.16 gauche.mop.singleton – シングルトン');" target="_blank">Gauche ユーザリファレンス: 9.16 gauche.mop.singleton – シングルトン</a></cite>
<pre class="syntax-highlight">
gosh<span class="synStatement">></span> <span class="synStatement">(</span>x-<span class="synStatement">></span>string <span class="synStatement">'</span><span class="synConstant">(virt-install --name dev1 --ram 512 --disk path=dev1.img,size=10 --vcpus 1 --network bridge=br0,model=virtio --graphic vnc,listen= --pxe))</span>
<span class="synConstant">"(virt-install --name dev1 --ram 512 --disk path=dev1.img ,size=10 --vcpus 1 --network bridge=br0 ,model=virtio --graphic vnc ,listen= --pxe)"</span>
@ -1,9 +1,7 @@
title: おとなのひとにいってほしかった24のこと
author: kazu634
date: 2005-08-25T15:04:05Z
- kazu634
author: kazu634
- Quotes
@ -12,43 +10,43 @@ tags:
<div class="section">
<a href="" onclick="__gaTracker('send', 'event', 'outbound-article', '', '');" target="_blank"><img width="145" align="left" alt="d1625747.jpg" src="" class="pict" height="204" border="0" /></a>
The earth teaches us more about ourselves than all the books in the world, because it is resistant to us. Self-discovery comes when man measures himself against an obstacle. To attain it, he needs an implement. He needs a carpenter’s plane, or a plough. Little by little, as he walks behind the plough, the farmer forces out a few of nature’s secrets, and the truth which he uncovers is universal. In the same way the aeroplane, the implement of the airline companies, brings man face to face wit all the old problems.</p>
<br />大地は世界中にあるどんな本よりも私たち自身について教えてくれる。理由は、自己を発見するのは障害に立ち向かっていくときであり、大地は私たちに抵抗するからだ。自己を発見するためには、道具が必要だ。大工のカンナや、あるいは鋤が必要になる。少しずつ、鋤で耕して行くにつれて、農夫は自然の秘密を見いだす。そして、その農夫が明らかにした真理というものは普遍的なものだ。同じようにして、飛行機―航空会社の道具―は飛行士に、そういった古くなってしまった問題に面と向かわせるのである。
ちなみに、英語で良ければ、<a href="" onclick="__gaTracker('send', 'event', 'outbound-article', '', 'ここ');" target="_blank">ここ</a>で<a href="" onclick="__gaTracker('send', 'event', 'outbound-article', '', '『おとなのひとにいってほしかった24のこと』');" target="_blank">『おとなのひとにいってほしかった24のこと』</a>が読めます。ちなみに、その24のこととは、
1: “The world does not turn round around you.”
@ -123,7 +121,7 @@ tags:
24: “The most important thing is to let your love go on errands.”
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
title = "『容疑者 室井慎次』"
date = 2005-09-22T15:04:05Z
description = ""
categories = ["Misc"]
author = "kazu634"
tags = ["movie"]
読んでいる人の価値観を相対化するのが小説の条件と保坂和志は考えている、と下のエントリーで書いた。そのように書いているうちに、最近観た<a href="" onclick="__gaTracker('send', 'event', 'outbound-article', '', '『容疑者 室井慎次』');" target="_blank">『容疑者 室井慎次』</a>でも見ている人の価値観を相対化するような描写が行われていたことに気づいた。
『踊る~』シリーズでは、わくさんと青島刑事といった世代間の交流や、男性と女性といった異なる立場にある人々がどのように感じているのかということを扱った作品であるとも捉えることができる。今回の『室井慎次』でも、田中麗奈演じる新米弁護士と室井さんという世代も性別も異なる二人の価値観というものが同時に提示されていた。<a href="" onclick="__gaTracker('send', 'event', 'outbound-article', '', '「室井さんの過去」');" target="_blank">「室井さんの過去」</a>(注意:まだ映画を観ていない人は見ない方がいいです!)の捉え方も、二人の間では異なっていた。同じ事態を目の前にしていても捉え方は異なる、という当たり前のことが当たり前のように提示されているというのは注目すべきことなのではないだろうか。エンターテイメント作品だ何だと言われているけれど、「様々な価値観がこの世の中にはあり、世界は複雑なのだ」ということを多くの人に提示しているということだけを見ても、『踊る~』シリーズはもっと評価されてしかるべきではないだろうか。
@ -1,210 +1,207 @@
title: 『踊る大捜査線に学ぶ組織論入門』
author: kazu634
date: 2005-11-23T15:04:05Z
- kazu634
author: kazu634
- Quotes
- book
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<a href="" onclick="__gaTracker('send', 'event', 'outbound-article', '', '');" target="_blank"><img alt="476126277X" src="" border="0" /></a>
<td valign="top">
<font size="-1"><a href="" onclick="__gaTracker('send', 'event', 'outbound-article', '', '踊る大捜査線に学ぶ組織論入門');" target="_blank">踊る大捜査線に学ぶ組織論入門</a></font>
@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
title = "単騎、千里を走る"
date = 2006-02-07T15:04:05Z
description = ""
categories = ["Misc"]
author = "kazu634"
tags = ["movie"]
<a href="" onclick="__gaTracker('send', 'event', 'outbound-article', '', '');" target="_blank"><img class="pict" src="" alt="tanki_senri" width="160" height="177" align="left" border="0" /></a>
もう二日ぐらい前になりますが、<a href="" onclick="__gaTracker('send', 'event', 'outbound-article', '', '『単騎、千里を走る。』');" target="blank">『単騎、千里を走る。』</a>を観てきました。高倉健主演・<a href="" onclick="__gaTracker('send', 'event', 'outbound-article', '', 'チャン・イーモウ');" target="blank">チャン・イーモウ</a>監督作品です。いや、とてもよかったです。
- 「単騎、千里を走る」の関羽役を演じる役者の息子もまた父親との仲がうまくいっておらず、高倉健演じる主人公が自分の息子とダブらせて関わっていこうとしていき、心を開いてもらう場面
- 時間的に自分の息子が死んだのは、役者の息子と心のふれあいが果たされた頃だということがさりげなく観客に提示される部分
この映画を観て強く興味を引きつけられたのは、<a href="" onclick="__gaTracker('send', 'event', 'outbound-article', '', 'チャン・イーモウ');" target="blank">チャン・イーモウ</a>監督の映画の作り方でした。自分が専門とする<a href="" onclick="__gaTracker('send', 'event', 'outbound-article', '', 'コンラッド');" target="blank">コンラッド</a>との類似した点がとてもあるように感じました。例えば、
- コンラッドはポーランド人でありながら、後年イギリスに帰化し、作家としての名声を獲得する。この映画でも、主人公は全く何が話されているのかわからない中国に飛び込み、人々を動かして目的を果たす。
- コンラッドの作品は一人称の語り手が、自分の主観を前面に押し出して物語を語る。この映画も、高倉健演じる主人公の主観を通した物語が語られている<small>と考えていいと思う</small>。
- コンラッドの有名作である『闇の奥』・『ロード・ジム』は枠物語<sup>【注1】</sup>である。<a href="" onclick="__gaTracker('send', 'event', 'outbound-article', '', 'チャン・イーモウ');" target="blank">チャン・イーモウ</a>も<a href="" onclick="__gaTracker('send', 'event', 'outbound-article', '', '『HERO』');" target="blank">『HERO』</a>で枠物語を映画に移植していると捉えることができる。
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<a href="" onclick="__gaTracker('send', 'event', 'outbound-article', '', '');" target="_blank" name="amazletlink"><img style="border: none;" src="" alt="単騎、千里を走る。 [DVD]" /></a>
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<a href="" onclick="__gaTracker('send', 'event', 'outbound-article', '', '単騎、千里を走る。 [DVD]');" target="_blank" name="amazletlink">単騎、千里を走る。 [DVD]</a>
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posted with <a href="" onclick="__gaTracker('send', 'event', 'outbound-article', '', 'amazlet');" title="amazlet" target="_blank">amazlet</a> at 14.11.23
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title: ”The Hardest Lessons for Startups to Learn”で気になった部分
author: kazu634
date: 2006-05-06T15:04:05Z
- kazu634
author: kazu634
- Quotes
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<a href="" onclick="__gaTracker('send', 'event', 'outbound-article', '', '');" target="_blank"><img alt="The Hardest Lessons for Startups to Learn" align="left" src="" border="0" /></a>
Paul Grahamのサイトで”The hardest Lessons for Startups to Learn”が公開されました。気になった部分について載せておきます。
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