Add work flow of using Route 53

This commit is contained in:
Kazuhiro MUSASHI 2019-04-16 17:26:38 +07:00
parent 24803ebe5d
commit e669b8f8de
1 changed files with 25 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -177,6 +177,31 @@ Additional Configuration:
<div class="mermaid">
participant User
participant Lego
participant Lets Encrypt
participant Route53
note over User,Route53: Preparation
User ->> User: Specify AWS Environment Variables
note over User,Route53: Actual Operation
User ->> Lego: Request
Lego ->> Lets Encrypt: Request
Lets Encrypt ->> Lego: Return the key
Lego ->> Route53: Specify the key to the TXT record
note over Lego,Route53: Wait for TXT record to propagate
Lego ->> Lets Encrypt: Request to continue
Lets Encrypt ->> Route53: Check the TXT record
Route53 ->> Lets Encrypt: Return the TXT record
Lets Encrypt ->> Lego: SSL/TSL Certificate
Lego ->> User: SSL/TSL Certificate
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