--- title: The Last Lectureを読んで気になった部分(暫定的) author: kazu634 date: 2008-07-13 wordtwit_post_info: - 'O:8:"stdClass":13:{s:6:"manual";b:0;s:11:"tweet_times";i:1;s:5:"delay";i:0;s:7:"enabled";i:1;s:10:"separation";s:2:"60";s:7:"version";s:3:"3.7";s:14:"tweet_template";b:0;s:6:"status";i:2;s:6:"result";a:0:{}s:13:"tweet_counter";i:2;s:13:"tweet_log_ids";a:1:{i:0;i:4143;}s:9:"hash_tags";a:0:{}s:8:"accounts";a:1:{i:0;s:7:"kazu634";}}' categories: ---

[memo] Lately, I find myself quoting my dad even if it was something he didn’t say. Whatever my point, it might as well have come from him. He seemed to know everything.

→自分の両親について語っている部分。Randy Pauschのこの講義が行われたのは父の影響が色濃いことに気づかされた。

[memo] When you’re screwing up and nobody says anything to you anymore, that means they’re given up on you.


[memo] What we really want them to learn is far more important; teamwork, an ability to deal with adversity. This kind of indirect learning is what some of us like to call a “head fake”.

→”head fake”について初めてふれた部分だよ。

[memo] There are two kinds of head fakes. The first is literal. On a football field, a player will move his head one way so you’ll think he’s going in that direction. Then he goes the opposite way. It’s like a magician using misdirection. Coach Graham used to tell us to watch a player’s waist, “Where his belly button goes, his body goes,” he’d say.

[memo] The second kind of head fake is the really important one — the one that teaches people things they don’t realise they’re learning until well into the process. If you’re a head fake specialist, your hidden objective is to get them to learn something you want them to learn.

[memo] This kind of head fake learning is absolutely vital. And coach Graham was the master.

この二つ目の headfake は日本だと、「徒弟奉公」的な文脈で語られることが多いような気がする。欧米系の人にはそんな概念なんてないと思っていたけれど、そんなことはなかったんだよね。仕事のできる人って、洋の東西を問わず head fake による学びを大事にしていたんだ。そんな発見があった。


The Last Lecture

The Last Lecture