--- title: もう少しgauche-dbd-sqlite3で遊んでみた author: kazu634 date: 2012-04-22 wordtwit_post_info: - 'O:8:"stdClass":13:{s:6:"manual";b:0;s:11:"tweet_times";i:1;s:5:"delay";i:0;s:7:"enabled";i:1;s:10:"separation";s:2:"60";s:7:"version";s:3:"3.7";s:14:"tweet_template";b:0;s:6:"status";i:2;s:6:"result";a:0:{}s:13:"tweet_counter";i:2;s:13:"tweet_log_ids";a:1:{i:0;i:5459;}s:9:"hash_tags";a:0:{}s:8:"accounts";a:1:{i:0;s:7:"kazu634";}}' categories: - gauche - sqlite3 ---
#!/usr/local/bin/gosh ;; ============================== ;; Libraries: ;; ============================== (use dbi) (use gauche.collection) (use gauche.test) ;; ============================== ;; Variables: ;; ============================== (define *db-file* "test.db") ;; ============================== ;; Functions: ;; ============================== ;; (execute-sql dbfile sql) ;; Arguments: ;; - dbfile: path-to-sqlite3-dbfile ;; - sql: the sql to be executed ;; ;; Output: ;; Collection objects that dbi module returns (define (execute-sql dbfile sql) (guard (e ((<dbi-parameter-error> e) (dbi-close connect)) ((<dbi-error> e) (exit 1)) (else (raise e))) (let* ((connect (dbi-connect (string-append "dbi:sqlite3:" dbfile))) (query (dbi-prepare connect sql)) (result (dbi-execute query))) (dbi-close connect) result))) (define (test-db-execute sql) (test* (format "~s" sql) #t (dbi-open? (execute-sql *db-file* sql)))) (define (gen-list al proc) (map (lambda (l) (proc l)) al)) (define (gen-key-list al) (gen-list al car)) (define (gen-value-list al) (gen-list al cdr)) (define (append-list-string l) (fold (lambda (data seed) (if (string=? seed "") (format #f (cond [(number? data) "~A"] [(string? data) "'~A'"] [(symbol? data) "~A"]) data) (format #f (cond [(number? data) "~A, ~A"] [(string? data) "~A, '~A'"] [(symbol? data) "~A, ~A"]) seed data))) "" l)) (define (gen-insert-sql table al) (format "INSERT INTO ~A (~A) VALUES (~A);" table (append-list-string (gen-key-list al)) (append-list-string (gen-value-list al)))) (define (append-alist-string al) (fold (lambda (data seed) (if (string=? seed "") (format "~A ~A" (car data) (cdr data)) (format "~A, ~A ~A" seed (car data) (cdr data)))) "" al)) (define (gen-create-sql table schema) (format "CREATE TABLE ~A (~A);" table (append-alist-string schema))) (define (test-db-select vecl sql) (test* (format "~s" sql) vecl (map identity (execute-sql *db-file* sql)))) ;; ============================== ;; Tests: ;; ============================== (test-start "Gauche-dbd-sqlite3") (test-section "Test Utilities:") (test* "Key Arrangement Utility:" '(date quote source md5) (gen-key-list '((date . 1334152804) (quote . "Do not be evil.") (source . "http://www.google.com/") (md5 . "ada3ff1732557af042540d34f37ed0cd")))) (test* "Value Arrangement Utility:" '(1334152804 "Do not be evil." "http://www.google.com/" "ada3ff1732557af042540d34f37ed0cd") (gen-value-list '((date . 1334152804) (quote . "Do not be evil.") (source . "http://www.google.com/") (md5 . "ada3ff1732557af042540d34f37ed0cd")))) (test* "Concatnation Utility (in case of keys):" "date, quote, source, md5" (append-list-string '(date quote source md5))) (test* "Concatnation Utility (in case of values):" "1334152804, 'Do not be evil.', 'http://www.google.com/', 'ada3ff1732557af042540d34f37ed0cd'" (append-list-string '(1334152804 "Do not be evil." "http://www.google.com/" "ada3ff1732557af042540d34f37ed0cd"))) (test* "Generating Insertion SQL:" "INSERT INTO quote (date, quote, source, md5) VALUES (1334152804, 'Do not be evil.', 'http://www.google.com/', 'ada3ff1732557af042540d34f37ed0cd');" (gen-insert-sql "quote" '((date . 1334152804) (quote . "Do not be evil.") (source . "http://www.google.com/") (md5 . "ada3ff1732557af042540d34f37ed0cd")))) (test* "Concatnation Utility (in case of CREATE sql)" "id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, date NUMERIC, quote TEXT, source TEXT, md5 TEXT" (append-alist-string '((id . "INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT") (date . "NUMERIC") (quote . "TEXT") (source . "TEXT") (md5 . "TEXT")))) (test* "Generating Creation SQL:" "CREATE TABLE quote (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, date NUMERIC, quote TEXT, source TEXT, md5 TEXT);" (gen-create-sql "quote" '((id . "INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT") (date . "NUMERIC") (quote . "TEXT") (source . "TEXT") (md5 . "TEXT")))) (test-section "Table Creation:") (test-db-execute (gen-create-sql "quote" '((id . "INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT") (date . "NUMERIC") (quote . "TEXT") (source . "TEXT") (md5 . "TEXT")))) (test-section "Data Insertion:") (test-db-execute (gen-insert-sql "quote" '((date . 1334152804) (quote . "Do not be evil.") (source . "http://www.google.com/") (md5 . "ada3ff1732557af042540d34f37ed0cd")))) (test-db-execute (gen-insert-sql "quote" '((id . 2) (date . 1334359203) (quote . "抑止力とは、「戦う意思を持たない暴力」ではなく、「戦わない意志を持った暴力」のことなのだと思う。小さな違いだけれど、意思を示さない限り、それは「力」たりえない。 (via @medtoolz)") (source . "http://twitter.com/medtoolz/status/190930863851184129") (md5 . "6392e235cebdae0ac9c87ee958648fc0")))) (test-section "Data Check:") (test-db-select '(#(1 1334152804 "Do not be evil." "http://www.google.com/" "ada3ff1732557af042540d34f37ed0cd")) "SELECT * FROM quote WHERE id=1;") (test-db-select '(#(2 1334359203 "抑止力とは、「戦う意思を持たない暴力」ではなく、「戦わない意志を持った暴力」のことなのだと思う。小さな違いだけれど、意思を示さない限り、それは「力」たりえない。 (via @medtoolz)" "http://twitter.com/medtoolz/status/190930863851184129" "6392e235cebdae0ac9c87ee958648fc0")) "SELECT * FROM quote WHERE id=2;") (test-db-select '(#(1 1334152804 "Do not be evil." "http://www.google.com/" "ada3ff1732557af042540d34f37ed0cd") #(2 1334359203 "抑止力とは、「戦う意思を持たない暴力」ではなく、「戦わない意志を持った暴力」のことなのだと思う。小さな違いだけれど、意思を示さない限り、それは「力」たりえない。 (via @medtoolz)" "http://twitter.com/medtoolz/status/190930863851184129" "6392e235cebdae0ac9c87ee958648fc0")) "SELECT * FROM quote;") (test-section "Database Manipulation:") (test-db-execute "UPDATE quote SET date=1000000000 WHERE id=1;") (test-db-select '(#(1 1000000000 "Do not be evil." "http://www.google.com/" "ada3ff1732557af042540d34f37ed0cd")) "SELECT * FROM quote WHERE id=1;") (test-db-execute "DELETE FROM quote WHERE id=1;") (test-db-select '(#(2 1334359203 "抑止力とは、「戦う意思を持たない暴力」ではなく、「戦わない意志を持った暴力」のことなのだと思う。小さな違いだけれど、意思を示さない限り、それは「力」たりえない。 (via @medtoolz)" "http://twitter.com/medtoolz/status/190930863851184129" "6392e235cebdae0ac9c87ee958648fc0")) "SELECT * FROM quote;") ;; ============================== ;; Teardown: ;; ============================== (sys-unlink *db-file*) (test-end)
Testing Gauche-dbd-sqlite3 ... <Test Utilities:>-------------------------------------------------------------- test Key Arrangement Utility:, expects (date quote source md5) ==> ok test Value Arrangement Utility:, expects (1334152804 "Do not be evil." "http://www.google.com/" "ada3ff1732557af042540d34f37ed0cd") ==> ok test Concatnation Utility (in case of keys):, expects "date, quote, source, md5" ==> ok test Concatnation Utility (in case of values):, expects "1334152804, 'Do not be evil.', 'http://www.google.com/', 'ada3ff1732557af042540d34f37ed0cd'" ==> ok test Generating Insertion SQL:, expects "INSERT INTO quote (date, quote, source, md5) VALUES (1334152804, 'Do not be evil.', 'http://www.google.com/', 'ada3ff1732557af042540d34f37ed0cd');" ==> ok test Concatnation Utility (in case of CREATE sql), expects "id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, date NUMERIC, quote TEXT, source TEXT, md5 TEXT" ==> ok test Generating Creation SQL:, expects "CREATE TABLE quote (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, date NUMERIC, quote TEXT, source TEXT, md5 TEXT);" ==> ok <Table Creation:>-------------------------------------------------------------- test "CREATE TABLE quote (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, date NUMERIC, quote TEXT, source TEXT, md5 TEXT);", expects #t ==> ok <Data Insertion:>-------------------------------------------------------------- test "INSERT INTO quote (date, quote, source, md5) VALUES (1334152804, 'Do not be evil.', 'http://www.google.com/', 'ada3ff1732557af042540d34f37ed0cd');", expects #t ==> ok test "INSERT INTO quote (id, date, quote, source, md5) VALUES (2, 1334359203, '抑止力とは、「戦う意思を持たない暴力」ではなく、「戦わない意志を持った暴力」のことなのだと思う。小さな違いだけれど、意思を示さない限り、それは「力」たりえない。 (via @medtoolz)', 'http://twitter.com/medtoolz/status/190930863851184129', '6392e235cebdae0ac9c87ee958648fc0');", expects #t ==> ok <Data Check:>------------------------------------------------------------------ test "SELECT * FROM quote WHERE id=1;", expects (#(1 1334152804 "Do not be evil." "http://www.google.com/" "ada3ff1732557af042540d34f37ed0cd")) ==> ok test "SELECT * FROM quote WHERE id=2;", expects (#(2 1334359203 "抑止力とは、「戦う意思を持たない暴力」ではなく、「戦わない意志を持った暴力」のことなのだと思う。小さな違いだけれど、意思を示さない限り、それは「力」たりえない。 (via @medtoolz)" "http://twitter.com/medtoolz/status/190930863851184129" "6392e235cebdae0ac9c87ee958648fc0")) ==> ok test "SELECT * FROM quote;", expects (#(1 1334152804 "Do not be evil." "http://www.google.com/" "ada3ff1732557af042540d34f37ed0cd") #(2 1334359203 "抑止力とは、「戦う意思を持たない暴力」ではなく、「戦わない意志を持った暴力」のことなのだと思う。小さな違いだけれど、意思を示さない限り、それは「力」たりえない。 (via @medtoolz)" "http://twitter.com/medtoolz/status/190930863851184129" "6392e235cebdae0ac9c87ee958648fc0")) ==> ok <Database Manipulation:>------------------------------------------------------- test "UPDATE quote SET date=1000000000 WHERE id=1;", expects #t ==> ok test "SELECT * FROM quote WHERE id=1;", expects (#(1 1000000000 "Do not be evil." "http://www.google.com/" "ada3ff1732557af042540d34f37ed0cd")) ==> ok test "DELETE FROM quote WHERE id=1;", expects #t ==> ok test "SELECT * FROM quote;", expects (#(2 1334359203 "抑止力とは、「戦う意思を持たない暴力」ではなく、「戦わない意志を持った暴力」のことなのだと思う。小さな違いだけれど、意思を示さない限り、それは「力」たりえない。 (via @medtoolz)" "http://twitter.com/medtoolz/status/190930863851184129" "6392e235cebdae0ac9c87ee958648fc0")) ==> ok passed.