--- title: 何かをやろうとするときには、時間がない方がいい…らしい author: kazu634 date: 2006-06-09 url: /2006/06/09/_277/ wordtwit_post_info: - 'O:8:"stdClass":13:{s:6:"manual";b:0;s:11:"tweet_times";i:1;s:5:"delay";i:0;s:7:"enabled";i:1;s:10:"separation";s:2:"60";s:7:"version";s:3:"3.7";s:14:"tweet_template";b:0;s:6:"status";i:2;s:6:"result";a:0:{}s:13:"tweet_counter";i:2;s:13:"tweet_log_ids";a:1:{i:0;i:2397;}s:9:"hash_tags";a:0:{}s:8:"accounts";a:1:{i:0;s:7:"kazu634";}}' categories: - つれづれ ---

Less as a competitive advantage: My 10 minutes at Web 2.0 - Signal vs. Noise (by 37signals)

 “Less as a Competitive Advantage”という文章がおもしろうそうなので、ちょっと引用。特に気になったのはこの部分。

Less Time Your competitors have 10 people at 40 hours a week (400 hours). You have 3 people at 40 hours a week (120 hours). Sounds like a disadvantage, right? Nope. It’s a huge advantage. The majority of time you spend working is wasted time. Too many meetings, too much planning, too much thinking, too much writing official documents. The more time you have the more time you have to waste – and it’s likely you’ll waste more than you use. When you have less time, you’ll spend it more wisely. Think about time as money: If you only have $500 in the bank, you’re not going to spend $400 on a TV. You’re going to be careful about spending your money. If you have 40 hours instead of 400, you’re going to spend that time more wisely. More value per hour for your less time.
