--- title: Inefficiencies are what make you special. author: kazu634 date: 2009-12-05T15:04:05Z categories: - 引用 tags: - book ---

Often, the “wrong” things you choose to do are what set you apart and make your product unique. They’re the spice that make your dish special.

Inefficiencies are what make you special by Matt Linderman of Basecamp

Adria’s idea is that if you listen to customers, what they tell you they want will be based on something they already know. If I like a good steak, you can serve that to me, and I’ll enjoy it. But it will never be a once-in-a-lifetime experience. To create those experiences, you almost can’t listen to the customer…Adria says he doesn’t listen to customers, yet his customers are some of the most satisfied in the world. That’s an interesting riddle to consider.

Inefficiencies are what make you special by Matt Linderman of Basecamp