Make Rake task for production.

This commit is contained in:
Kazuhiro MUSASHI 2023-01-15 21:49:00 +09:00
parent 22d917891e
commit eee4ba7caf

tasks/production.rake Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
#!/usr/bin/env rake
require 'find'
desc 'Deploy the hugo contents to the server'
task :prod => [ :prep ] do
sh 'hugo -e production -v --minify'
sh 'find public -type f -name "*.gz" -delete'
sh 'find public/ -type f | egrep "\.(css|js|png|jpg|html|JPG|PNG|CSS|JS|HTML)$" | xargs -n 1 -i% -P 0 sh -c "cp % %.bk && gzip % && mv %.bk %"'
sh 'ssh -p 10022 webadm@ "rm -rf /var/www/everun/*"'
sh 'rsync -e "ssh -p 10022" -rltvz --omit-dir-times --delete public/ webadm@'
sh 'ssh -p 10022 webadm@ "rm -rf /home/webadm/works/everun/*"'
sh 'rsync -e "ssh -p 10022" -rltvz --omit-dir-times --delete public/ webadm@'