filestat_exporter_url = '' filestat_exporter_bin = '' vtag = '' # Calculate the Download URL: begin require 'net/http' uri = URI.parse('') Timeout.timeout(3) do response = Net::HTTP.get_response(uri) vtag = $1 if response.body =~ %r{tag\/(v\d+\.\d+\.\d+)} filestat_exporter_bin = "#{node['filestat_exporter']['prefix']}#{vtag}#{node['filestat_exporter']['postfix']}" filestat_exporter_url = "#{node['filestat_exporter']['url']}/#{vtag}/#{filestat_exporter_bin}" end rescue # Abort the chef client process: raise 'Cannot connect to' end # バージョン確認して、アップデート必要かどうか確認 result = run_command("filestat_exporter --version 2>&1 | grep #{vtag}", error: false) if result.exit_status != 0 # Download: TMP = "/tmp/#{filestat_exporter_bin}" execute "wget #{filestat_exporter_url} -O #{TMP}" # Install: directory node['filestat_exporter']['storage'] do owner 'root' group 'root' mode '755' end execute "tar zxf #{TMP} -C #{node['filestat_exporter']['storage']} --strip-components 1" # Change Owner and Permissions: file "#{node['filestat_exporter']['storage']}filestat_exporter" do owner 'root' group 'root' mode '755' end # Create Link link "#{node['filestat_exporter']['location']}filestat_exporter" do to "#{node['filestat_exporter']['storage']}filestat_exporter" end end