# Execute `apt update`: execute 'apt update' # Install the necessary packages: %w[build-essential zsh vim-nox debian-keyring screen curl dstat direnv jq avahi-daemon].each do |pkg| package pkg end # Install the extra kernel: unless node['is_ec2'] case run_command('grep VERSION_ID /etc/os-release | awk -F\" \'{print $2}\'').stdout.chomp when "16.04" KERNEL = run_command("uname -r").stdout.chomp package "linux-image-extra-#{KERNEL}" when "18.04" package 'linux-image-extra-virtual' end end ### Here we are going to install git. # Constants: KEYSRV = 'hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80' ID = 'E1DF1F24' GIT_PREPUSH = '/usr/share/git-core/templates/hooks/pre-push' PREPUSH = 'https://gist.github.com/kazu634/8267388/raw/e9202cd4c29a66723c88d2be05f3cd19413d2137/pre-push' # Retrieve the Ubuntu code: DIST = run_command('lsb_release -cs').stdout.chomp # Add the public key file to install `git` execute "apt-key adv --keyserver #{KEYSRV} --recv-keys #{ID}" do not_if 'apt-key list | grep "E1DF 1F24"' end # Deploy the `apt` sources: template '/etc/apt/sources.list.d/git.list' do action :create variables(distribution: DIST) end execute 'apt update' do not_if 'LANG=C apt-cache policy git | grep Installed | grep ppa' end execute 'apt install git -y' do not_if 'LANG=C apt-cache policy git | grep Installed | grep ppa' end execute "wget #{PREPUSH} -O #{GIT_PREPUSH}" do not_if "test -e #{GIT_PREPUSH}" end [ '/usr/share/git-core/templates/hooks/pre-commit', ].each do |conf| remote_file conf do user 'root' owner 'root' group 'root' mode '755' end end execute 'ufw allow 5353/udp' do user 'root' not_if 'LANG=c ufw status | grep 5353' notifies :run, 'execute[ufw reload-or-enable]' end