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title | author | date | wordtwit_post_info | categories | |||
できた | kazu634 | 2008-08-26 |
「 研修に行ってきてもらってきた課題 – 武蔵の日記」でやっていた課題ができました。
Which year?(2003-2099): 2008
Which month?(1-12): 8
/* ======================= */ /* === Include library === */ /* ======================= */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> /* ==================== */ /* === Declarations === */ /* ==================== */ // days_of_month is an array of the days of the month. // Note that the Feb of the leap year is indexed as 12. int days_of_month[13] = {31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 29}; // n_month is an array of the names of the months. // Note that the Feb of a leap year is indexed as 12. char n_month[13][4] = {"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Ape", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Nov", "Oct", "Dec", "Feb"}; // daysofweek is an array of the names of the days of the week. char daysofweek[7][4] = {"Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Sat", "Sun"}; /* ================= */ /* === Functions === */ /* ================= */ /* === Function isleap === */ /* this function checks whether the year is leap year or not.*/ /* When the year is a leap year, it returns 0. */ /* When the year is not, it return 1. */ /* If the year is not in the range, it returns 10. */ int isleap(int year) { /* boundary-value check */ if (year < 2003 || 2099 < year) { return 10; } /* Leap-year check */ if ( == year % 4 && != year % 100 || == year % 400){ return ; } else { return 1; } } /* === function ismonth === */ /* This function checks whether the given month is in range. */ /* In other words, the given month is between 1 - 12. */ /* If it is, this function returns 0. */ /* If it is not, this function returns 1. */ int ismonth (int month) { if ( < month && month < 13) { return ; } else { return 1; } } /* === function isjanfir === */ /* This function checks what days of the week the given year's */ /* January the First is.*/ /* This function returns the index of the array, daysofweek. */ int isjanfir (int year) { int res = 1; /* Result */ int i; /* working variable */ /* Jan the first of 2001 is Monday. */ for (i = 2001; i < year; ++i) { /* If the given year is a leap year, */ /* result = result + 2. */ /* Otherwise, result = result + 1. */ if (isleap(i) == ){ res = res + 2; } else { res = res + 1; } } /* the return value is result % 7. */ return res % 7; } /* === function prt_digit === */ /* This function prints the digit on stdout. */ /* If the digit is less than 10, it puts another " ". */ void prt_digit(int day) { if (day < 10){ printf(" %d", day); } else { printf(" %d", day); } } /* === function getweek ===*/ /* This function gets the two arguments representing year and month. */ /* And it returns the days of the week on the 1st days of the month */ /* of the year. */ /* Note that it returns the index of the array daysofweek. */ int getweek (int year, int month) { int i; /* working variable */ // first the variable result stores the value of the New Year day. int result = isjanfir(year); /* If the month is Jan, it returns result. */ if ( == month) return result; /* If the month is Feb of the leap year, */ /* this function returns (result + 31 [since Jan has 31days]) */ if (12 == month) return ((result + 31) % 7); for (i = ; i < month; ++i) { /* If (the year is a leap year) and (month is Feb) */ if (isleap(year) == && i == 1) { result = result + 29; } else { result = result + days_of_month[i]; } } return (result % 7); } /* === function showcal === */ void showcal(int year, int month) { int i; /* working variable */ int week; int tmp; /* temporary variable */ week = getweek(year, month); tmp = week; printf(" S M T W T F S\n"); for (i = ; i < week; ++i) { printf(" "); } for (i = 1; i <= days_of_month[month]; ++i) { if (tmp!= && == (tmp % 7)) { printf("\n"); } tmp++; prt_digit(i); } printf("\n"); } /* ============ */ /* === main === */ /* ============ */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { /* === Declaration === */ char year_c[256]; /* For reading data from stdin */ char month_c[256]; /* For reading data from stdin */ int year = ; /* For storing year */ int month = ; /* For storing month */ int c_leap; /* Check for a leap year */ int c_month; /* check for boundary value */ /* Ask the user calendar of what year he/she wants */ do { printf("Which year?(2003-2099): "); fgets(year_c, 256, stdin); sscanf(year_c, "%d", &year); c_leap = isleap(year); /* If the data is incorrect, show the message. */ if (c_leap == 10){ printf("The number is incorrect!\n"); } } while (10 == c_leap); c_month = ismonth(month); /* Ask the user calendar of what month he/she wants */ do { printf("Which month?(1-12): "); fgets(month_c, 256, stdin); sscanf(month_c, "%d", &month); c_month = ismonth(month); /* If the data is incorrect, show the message. */ if (c_month == 1){ printf("The number is incorrect!\n"); } } while (1 == c_month); /* Show Calendar */ if (c_leap == && month == 2) { month = 12; } else { month = month - 1; } printf("\n %d %s\n", year, n_month[month]); showcal(year, month); return ; }