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title | author | date | url | wordtwit_post_info | categories | ||
[emacs][muse] Carbon EmacsでMuseのPDFを生成する | kazu634 | 2009-01-09 | /2009/01/10/_1191/ |
- 小川版のpLatexを導入している人で、Emacs MuseでPDFを生成したい人
- Emacsのデフォルト文字コードがshift-jisではない人
Carbon Emacsでの設定例は以下のサイトが参考になります。
emacs-muse のインストールと設定
(Carbon Emacs & NTEmacs) - 機械学習序曲(仮) > Emacs Museを用いたスマートな文書作成法
- 文書作成に役立つEmacs Muse – SourceForge.JP Magazine
- [hiro] muse-modeでpdf作成
を参考にするといいです。特に「[hiro] muse-modeでpdf作成」では小川版のplatexを用いた関数が定義されているようなので、これを用います。
「[hiro] muse-modeでpdf作成」ではPDF作成用の関数を自前で定義しているようです:
(defun muse-latex-pdf-generate2 (file output-path final-target) (muse-publish-transform-output file output-path final-target "PDF" (function (lambda (file output-path) (let ((command (format "cd \"%s\"; platex \"%s\";" (file-name-directory output-path) file)) (times ) result) ;; XEmacs can sometimes return a non-number result. We'll err ;; on the side of caution by continuing to attempt to generate ;; the PDF if this happens and treat the final result as ;; successful. (while (and (< times 2) (or (not (numberp result)) (not (eq result )) ;; table of contents takes 2 passes (file-readable-p (muse-replace-regexp-in-string "\\.tex\\'" ".toc" file t t)))) (setq result (shell-command command) times (1+ times))) (if (or (not (numberp result)) (eq result )) t nil)) (let ((dvi (muse-replace-regexp-in-string ".tex" "" file t t))) (shell-command (format "cd \"%s\"; dvipdfmx \"%s\";" (file-name-directory output-path) dvi))) )) ".aux" ".toc" ".out" ".log" ".dvi"))
;; This function receives an argument and ;; it converts that file into shift-jis. (defun generate_shiftjis (file) (let* ((tempfile (expand-file-name (make-temp-file "tmp" nil ".tex"))) (cmd1 (format "cp %s %s" file tempfile)) (cmd2 (format "nkf -s %s > %s" tempfile file)) (cmd3 (format "rm %s" tempfile)) result) (call-process shell-file-name nil nil t shell-command-switch cmd1) ; (shell-command cmd1) (call-process shell-file-name nil nil t shell-command-switch cmd2) ; (shell-command cmd2) (call-process shell-file-name nil nil t shell-command-switch cmd3))) ; (shell-command cmd3)
- 既存のtexファイル(文字コードがshit-jisではない)を一時ファイルに待避
- nkfで待避ファイルをshift-jisに変換し、その結果を既存のtexファイルにリダイレクト
- 待避ファイルの削除
;; ============ ;; === muse === ;; ============ ;; load authoring mode (require 'muse-mode) ;; load publishing styles I use (require 'muse-html) (require 'muse-latex) (require 'muse-texinfo) (require 'muse-docbook) (require 'muse-wiki) ;; (setq muse-html-encoding-default 'utf-8) ;; (setq muse-html-meta-content-encoding (quote utf-8)) (setq muse-latexcjk-encoding-default (cdr (assoc 'utf-8 muse-latexcjk-encoding-map))) (setq muse-mode-hook '(lambda () (setq outline-regexp "*+") (setq outline-minor-mode t) (setq coding-system-for-write 'utf-8))) (require 'muse-project) (add-to-list 'muse-project-alist '("Default" ("~/working/muse/default" :default "index") (:base "html" :path "~/publish/html") (:base "latex" :path "~/publish/pdf") (:base "pdf" :path "~/publish/pdf"))) (setq muse-latex-header (concat "\\documentclass{jsarticle}\n" "\\usepackage[expert,deluxe,multi]{otf}\n" "\\usepackage[dvipdfm]{graphicx}\n" "\\usepackage{tabularx}\n" "\\renewcommand{\\figurename}{Fig.}\n\n" "\\usepackage{float}\n\n" "\\usepackage{fancyhdr}\n" "\\pagestyle{fancy}\n" "\\lhead{<lisp>(muse-publishing-directive \"title\")</lisp>}\n" "\\chead{}\n" "\\rhead{<lisp>(muse-publishing-directive \"date\")</lisp>}\n" "\\cfoot{\\thepage}\n" "\\setlength{\\headheight}{16pt}\n" "\\begin{document}\n\n" "% フォントの選択\n" "% \\usekanji{JY1}{mc}{m}{n} % 明朝\n" "% \\usekanji{JY1}{mc}{bx}{n} % ゴシック\n" "% \\usekanji{JY1}{gt}{m}{n} % ゴシック\n" "% \\gtfamily % ヒラギノ角ゴシック\n" "% \\bfseries % ヒラギノ明朝ボールド\n" "% \\gtfamily\\bfseries % ヒラギノゴシックボールド\n" "\\mgfamily % ヒラギノ丸ゴシック\n\n" "%% 表紙作製\n" "\\title{<lisp>(muse-publishing-directive \"title\")</lisp>}\n" "\\author{<lisp>(muse-publishing-directive \"author\")</lisp>}\n" "\\date{<lisp>(muse-publishing-directive \"date\")</lisp>}\n\n" "\\maketitle\n" "\\pagebreak\n\n" "%% 目次ページ作製\n" "% \\Large\n" "% \\hypertarget{mokuji}{}\n" "% \\begin{center}\\LARGE\\bf\n" "% 目次のタイトル\n" "% \\end{center}\n" "% \\tableofcontents\n" "% \\pagebreak\n\n" "<lisp>(and muse-publish-generate-contents\n \"\\\\tableofcontents\n\\\\newpage\")</lisp>\n")) (defun muse-latex-pdf-generate2 (file output-path final-target) (muse-publish-transform-output file output-path final-target "PDF" (function (lambda (file output-path) (let ((command (format "cd \"%s\"; platex \"%s\";" (file-name-directory output-path) file)) (times ) result) ;; Convert the character code into shift-jis (generate_shiftjis file) ;; XEmacs can sometimes return a non-number result. We'll err ;; on the side of caution by continuing to attempt to generate ;; the PDF if this happens and treat the final result as ;; successful. (while (and (< times 2) (or (not (numberp result)) (not (eq result )) ;; table of contents takes 2 passes (file-readable-p (muse-replace-regexp-in-string "\\.tex\\'" ".toc" file t t)))) (setq result (shell-command command) times (1+ times))) (if (or (not (numberp result)) (eq result )) t nil)) (let ((dvi (muse-replace-regexp-in-string ".tex" "" file t t))) (shell-command (format "cd \"%s\"; dvipdfmx \"%s\";" (file-name-directory output-path) dvi))) )) ".aux" ".toc" ".out" ".log" ".dvi")) ;; This function receives an argument and ;; it converts that file into shift-jis. (defun generate_shiftjis (file) (let* ((tempfile (expand-file-name (make-temp-file "tmp" nil ".tex"))) (cmd1 (format "cp %s %s" file tempfile)) (cmd2 (format "nkf -s %s > %s" tempfile file)) (cmd3 (format "rm %s" tempfile)) result) (call-process shell-file-name nil nil t shell-command-switch cmd1) ; (shell-command cmd1) (call-process shell-file-name nil nil t shell-command-switch cmd2) ; (shell-command cmd2) (call-process shell-file-name nil nil t shell-command-switch cmd3))) ; (shell-command cmd3) (muse-derive-style "pdf" "latex" :final 'muse-latex-pdf-generate2 :browser 'muse-latex-pdf-browse-file :link-suffix 'muse-latex-pdf-extension :osuffix 'muse-latex-pdf-extension)