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The Zahir kazu634 2005-08-10

Paulo CoElhoのThe Zahirを購入した。zahirというのは、

According to the write Jorge Luis Borges, the idea of the Zahir comes from Islamic tradition and is thought to have arisen at some point in the eighteenth century. Zahir, in Arabic, means visible, present, incapable of going unnoticed. It is someone or something which, once we have come into contact with them or it, gradually occupies our every tought, until we can think of nothing else. This can be considered either a state of holiness or of madness.


ちなみに、このPaulo CoElhoという人は、『アルケミスト』を書いている人として世界的に有名な人物。この『アルケミスト』は「現代の古典」という評価を得ていて、現代版『星の王子さま』と考えられている。
