Commit Graph

620 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
4243bcd78e Merge pull request 'スアレズのコメント記事を追加' (#85) from quote-from-suarez into master
Reviewed-on: #85
2022-01-10 14:50:03 +09:00
67d46479e7 誤字を修正 2022-01-10 14:47:23 +09:00
6ceffee344 投稿日付を修正 2022-01-10 14:44:42 +09:00
ade1ec9b24 ヘッダーの部分の文言を修正 2022-01-10 14:42:22 +09:00
123ffd8277 記事を追加 2022-01-10 14:38:39 +09:00
fc817dd194 Merge pull request 'democratic-csiの記事を追加' (#84) from using-democratic-csi-for-nomad into master
Reviewed-on: #84
2022-01-09 22:20:19 +09:00
56faea4309 実際の記事を追加 2022-01-09 22:20:19 +09:00
6941efcdee 記事の追加 2022-01-09 22:20:19 +09:00
e44e3b7ed1 Merge pull request 'ネギぼうずの記事を追加' (#83) from negibozu-kumamoto into master
Reviewed-on: #83
2021-12-26 09:03:50 +09:00
5b2592bf92 記事を追加 2021-12-26 09:01:00 +09:00
830ba9f675 Merge pull request '栗山監督の退任にあたってのことばの記事を追加' (#82) from quote-from-kuriyama-kantoku into master
Reviewed-on: #82
2021-12-12 20:52:22 +09:00
ca3090efb6 記事の追加 2021-12-12 20:48:54 +09:00
d565a5d648 Merge pull request 'Update Mapbox api key.' (#81) from update-mapbox-apikey into master
Reviewed-on: #81
2021-11-29 22:34:23 +09:00
11a8b0cc45 Re-update Mapbox API key:
diff --git a/config/_default/config.toml b/config/_default/config.toml
index bf03e7c..268f26b 100644
--- a/config/_default/config.toml
+++ b/config/_default/config.toml
@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ theme = "LoveIt"
     # LoveIt NEW | 0.2.0 Mapbox GL JS config
       # access token of Mapbox GL JS
-      accessToken = "sk.eyJ1Ijoia2F6dTYzNCIsImEiOiJja3drcDN6d3YwNG9nMm9sbndxb2gyeWFwIn0.MHdT9vdHgxBjL69plzlvPQ"
+      accessToken = "pk.eyJ1Ijoia2F6dTYzNCIsImEiOiJja3drcGt4MWUxaHp2MzFwYm9iMTE5MXNxIn0.wqNoFnA8BDNNRhxFuvB_xw"
       # style for the light theme
       lightStyle = "mapbox://styles/mapbox/light-v9"
       # style for the dark theme
diff --git a/config/staging/config.toml b/config/staging/config.toml
index a4b7fdc..c59fbf9 100644
--- a/config/staging/config.toml
+++ b/config/staging/config.toml
@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ theme = "LoveIt"
     # LoveIt NEW | 0.2.0 Mapbox GL JS config
       # access token of Mapbox GL JS
-      accessToken = "sk.eyJ1Ijoia2F6dTYzNCIsImEiOiJja3drcDN6d3YwNG9nMm9sbndxb2gyeWFwIn0.MHdT9vdHgxBjL69plzlvPQ"
+      accessToken = "pk.eyJ1Ijoia2F6dTYzNCIsImEiOiJja3drcGt4MWUxaHp2MzFwYm9iMTE5MXNxIn0.wqNoFnA8BDNNRhxFuvB_xw"
       # style for the light theme
       lightStyle = "mapbox://styles/mapbox/light-v9"
       # style for the dark theme
2021-11-29 22:31:24 +09:00
b08f4511e3 Update Mapbox api key.
diff --git a/config/_default/config.toml b/config/_default/config.toml
index 58f6b4f..bf03e7c 100644
--- a/config/_default/config.toml
+++ b/config/_default/config.toml
@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ theme = "LoveIt"
     # LoveIt NEW | 0.2.0 Mapbox GL JS config
       # access token of Mapbox GL JS
-      accessToken = "pk.eyJ1Ijoia2F6dTYzNCIsImEiOiJjanU4OHg0YjIyMjcxNDNsb2dnM2k5bHhqIn0.dsjWTh-G_TcJ9bOGWLvT2Q"
+      accessToken = "sk.eyJ1Ijoia2F6dTYzNCIsImEiOiJja3drcDN6d3YwNG9nMm9sbndxb2gyeWFwIn0.MHdT9vdHgxBjL69plzlvPQ"
       # style for the light theme
       lightStyle = "mapbox://styles/mapbox/light-v9"
       # style for the dark theme
diff --git a/config/staging/config.toml b/config/staging/config.toml
index 610ba15..a4b7fdc 100644
--- a/config/staging/config.toml
+++ b/config/staging/config.toml
@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ theme = "LoveIt"
     # LoveIt NEW | 0.2.0 Mapbox GL JS config
       # access token of Mapbox GL JS
-      accessToken = "pk.eyJ1Ijoia2F6dTYzNCIsImEiOiJjanU4OHg0YjIyMjcxNDNsb2dnM2k5bHhqIn0.dsjWTh-G_TcJ9bOGWLvT2Q"
+      accessToken = "sk.eyJ1Ijoia2F6dTYzNCIsImEiOiJja3drcDN6d3YwNG9nMm9sbndxb2gyeWFwIn0.MHdT9vdHgxBjL69plzlvPQ"
       # style for the light theme
       lightStyle = "mapbox://styles/mapbox/light-v9"
       # style for the dark theme
2021-11-29 22:23:40 +09:00
24ba2ce3d8 Merge pull request 'かっぱの記事を追加' (#79) from kappa-at-gion into master
Reviewed-on: #79
2021-11-28 22:39:27 +09:00
872374a2ca 記事本体を追加 2021-11-28 22:29:56 +09:00
e8141ae81e MapboxのAPIキーを追加 2021-11-28 22:15:16 +09:00
7de8a4bcd4 Merge pull request 'Terraformerの記事を追加' (#78) from terraformer into master
Reviewed-on: #78
2021-11-27 22:22:29 +09:00
d861141e86 Fix typo 2021-11-27 22:20:09 +09:00
4cca52ef50 参考URLの追加 2021-11-27 22:20:09 +09:00
d054d39da7 画像の差し替え 2021-11-27 22:19:30 +09:00
b5e72e8066 Terraformerの記事を追加 2021-11-27 22:14:32 +09:00
55218289e1 Merge pull request 'セクション名の修正' (#77) from modify-section-name into master
Reviewed-on: #77
2021-11-24 21:32:43 +09:00
22c109b6ec セクション名の修正 2021-11-24 21:30:25 +09:00
306c33ec8e Merge pull request 'Vault 1.9.0で追加されたOIDC Provider機能についての記事を追加' (#76) from vault-as-OIDC-provider into master
Reviewed-on: #76
2021-11-23 22:20:06 +09:00
10aa23a338 画像の差し替え 2021-11-23 22:18:12 +09:00
86f0e4772e 表記の見直し 2021-11-23 22:15:33 +09:00
476a6a526f 記事を追加 2021-11-23 22:03:16 +09:00
d3b44625c5 Merge pull request 'Add tags for tcardgen.' (#75) from add-tags-for-tcardgen into master
Reviewed-on: #75
2021-11-21 16:51:26 +09:00
d422931fc0 Add tags for tcardgen. 2021-11-21 16:42:29 +09:00
655fd436ff Merge pull request 'カテゴリーなどの修正' (#74) from change-themes-LoveIt into master
Reviewed-on: #74
2021-11-17 23:14:10 +09:00
4b69ef4f93 Delete mermaid shortcode 2021-11-17 23:13:34 +09:00
cd12acb3bd Modify the categories. 2021-11-17 23:13:34 +09:00
b1baaa7b80 Merge pull request 'Create the config for staging' (#73) from change-themes-LoveIt into master
Reviewed-on: #73
2021-11-14 22:35:27 +09:00
5ab487e2e8 Use git submodule to use the theme. 2021-11-14 22:35:27 +09:00
5b9e94c192 Execute git submodule. 2021-11-14 22:35:27 +09:00
bac3b5e632 Use hugo version 0.89.2. 2021-11-14 22:35:27 +09:00
3b1e33b04a Create the config for staging 2021-11-14 22:35:27 +09:00
44473b889e Merge pull request 'Apply new theme.' (#72) from change-themes-LoveIt into master
Reviewed-on: #72
2021-11-14 22:07:59 +09:00
abeb8c9894 Apply new theme. 2021-11-14 22:01:39 +09:00
2f71f13ce7 Merge pull request '記事の修正' (#71) from use-terraform-to-manage-route53 into master
Reviewed-on: #71
2021-11-06 15:49:21 +09:00
a65eaa0997 記事の修正 2021-11-06 15:49:21 +09:00
506052b457 Merge pull request 'Terraformを利用してRoute53を管理して見たメモ' (#70) from use-terraform-to-manage-route53 into master
Reviewed-on: #70
2021-11-06 14:28:44 +09:00
11afffe0a5 記事の追加 2021-11-06 14:26:00 +09:00
f478b52207 Merge pull request 'Yahoo.comから株価のCSVを取得する記事を追加する' (#69) from download-csv-from-yahoo-finance into master
Reviewed-on: #69
2021-10-17 15:00:37 +09:00
0803940de6 補足情報を付け加えました 2021-10-17 14:57:28 +09:00
c636495c51 記事の追加 2021-10-17 14:29:09 +09:00
834f9642cf Merge pull request 'GoProを自転車に乗せて動画撮影した記事を投稿' (#61) from gopro-on-bicycle into master
Reviewed-on: #61
2021-09-23 14:21:04 +09:00
b8e47dfd80 h1ヘッダーを削除 2021-09-23 14:21:04 +09:00